Sin and Punishment

Sin and Punishment
Released: 2000
Console: Nintendo 64
Developer: Treasure, Nintendo R&D1

Sin and Punishment was developed by Treasure and Nintendo Research and Development 1. The game was released in 2000 for the Nintendo 64 and only in Japan.

Despite having English voice acting with Japanese subtitles, the game never saw a release out of Asia until its 2007 re-release on the Nintendo Wii.

The game was your general 3D cabal-shooter with scrolling. The roll of the player was to simply aim and fire, and move to avoid various obstacles and attacks.

Sin and Punishment also included a multi-player mode, however this was simply having two controllers control the one character. Player one was in charge of aiming and shooting, player two was in charge of dodging obstacles and attacks.

Despite the menu text being in Japanese, the game was still reviewed by western critics, managing to receive positive reviews from sites such as IGN and GameSpot.


Sin and Punishment Texture Packs