Zeth Alkars Ocarina of Time Texture Pack

Zeth Alkars Ocarina of Time Texture Pack
Artist: Zeth Alkar

Zeth Alkars Ocarina of Time texture pack is an attempt to retexture the Ocarina of Time to give it more of the look and feel of the dark and gloomy Twilight Princess.

While this texture pack disappeared numerous times from the internet and has been in and out of development, it is one of the more different texture packs available for Ocarina of Time and truly changes the look and feel of the game.

Zeth Alkars work is fantastic at reimagining the scenes and creates one of the most cohesive texture packs that change the complete look and feel of the original game.

It is truly worth trying out and is one of the rarer texture packs to actually come about.


Download Zeth Alkars Ocarina of Time Texture Pack